A comprehensive three-day outdoor workshop
Tuesday, May 14 through Thursday, May 16, 2024
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Three different painting locations within
eastern suburbs of Rochester, NY
Barbara Jablonski
The workshop is intended for
– Artists using any painting medium who are “new to” plein air painting. – Experienced plein air artists who wish to learn outdoor oil painting as a new medium. – Studio artists who wish to learn the techniques of oil or acrylic painting.
About this Outdoor Alla Prima Workshop
This course launches artists into the adventures of painting out of doors “en plein air” by teaching the techniques of alla prima painting with spring colors. "Alla prima" refers to a direct painting approach where paint is applied wet on wet without letting earlier layers dry. In Italian, the term means "at first attempt".
Workshop locations will be at three different sites located in the eastern suburbs of Monroe County as well as Wayne and Ontario Counties. (Western New York State near the shores of Lake Ontario and Rochester, NY).
Demonstrations will be done using oil pigment and acrylic. One-on-one instruction may include other mediums.
Painting sites and subjects
Painting locations will be at three various sites in the eastern suburbs/Finger Lakes region.
Themes will include different aspects of landscape painting such as:
– Architecture – landscape with buildings focusing on structural perspective as well as perspective using line as well as perspective using temperature and value (no line).
– Water Scenes – how to paint water, shadows in the water and how to create movement and light in the water. Spring foliage scenes may include docks and boats with focus on painting water.
– Land vistas – exploring spring colors, how to create aerial perspective using value and temperature without linear perspective as well as how to paint backlit scenes.
Class size maximum: 12 artists minimum:5 artists
Course includes: – Instructor demonstrations in oil and acrylic mediums – Group lectures and individual instruction – Workshop instruction handouts for Workshop Notebook – Plein air painting sessions in morning and afternoons – Materials and equipment list provided to registrants prior to class – Critiques (participation encouraged but optional)
More about this three-day course of study
This course will introduce the elements and techniques of quality plein air painting including: – Composition, design and line, – Value, temperature and mixing of oil colors, – Drawing (with brush) and perspective,
– Learning the quick, direct approach of "alla prima" painting (applying pigment "wet on wet" without letting under layers of paint dry), – The use of artist materials, brushes and equipment to speed up the painting process.
Note: There is a limited number of plein air easels for free usage, some equipment and supplies available for a nominal fee. Email Barbara for more information.
BJJablons@gmail.com or leave a message at 585-381-3980.
Artists using ANY painting medium (oil, acrylic, pastel
or watercolor) are welcome. Demonstrations will be in
OIL and ACRYLIC mediums.
Early Registration Fee by Tuesday, April 23:$235
Workshop Feeafter April 23: $250
Register by sending your check and the completed form (below) to Barbara. A limited number of easels and painting materials are available. If you need further information about the course and/or the easels and supplies that may be borrowed or purchased, call Barbara at 585 381-3980 (voice mail) or email BJJablons@gmail.com
Early Registration Workshop Fee: $235 If registration is received prior to April 23rd
Workshop Fee: $250 If registration is April 23rd or after.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (CUT FORM BELOW AND SEND WITH CHECK) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SPRING PLEIN AIR PAINTING WITH BARBARA JABLONSKIMay 14, 15 and 16 - Three full day comprehensive workshop - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mail form (below) to Barbara Jablonski, 44 Meadow Cove Road, Pittsford, NY 14534.
Make check made payable to: Barbara Jablonski Email Barbara ( BJJablons@gmail.com )
AND call Barbara (585-381-3980 voice mail ) to notify her that you are registering and that the form and check is mailed.
Your Name__________________________________________________________
Phone______________________ Cell (mandatory)__________________________ Address_________________________________________________City__________________Zip___________ Email_______________________________________________________________
What is your medium that you will use for the workshop? ________________Is this medium new to you? ______
Enclosed is the course fee check:
______$235 Early Registration Fee until April 23, 2024
______$250 Workshop Fee after April 23, 2024
Need an easel? If you are in need of borrowing a plein air easel, please contact Barbara asap. There is a limited number for use free of charge. BJJablons@gmail.com
Cancellation policy: As of May 1st, there is no partial nor full refund.
If cancellation is made before May 1st, 50% of the workshop fee will be returned.
How did you learn about Barbara's plein air workshop?
Please be specific. Indicate if you learned of about Barbara’s workshop through the advertisement of an art gallery,
art store, art club or by Barbara's email blitz. _______________________________________________________